Day: 1: My Meals

I woke up today a way more excited than usual. Today I started my challenge. I started with my day with a bottle of water and I proceeded to make my Oatmeal which had only Bananas and Granola. After eating this, I noticed that I had a bit more energy than usual and I felt like I could take on the day and my crazy kids. 





Usually I would just put butter and sugar in it, which I miss dearly, but this was a very tasty alternative since I love bananas so much. I would probably recommend adding cinnamon next time around or maybe even a dash or 2 of Brown Sugar. Tomorrow I plan on making a vegetable omelette with tomatoes, green peppers and cheddar jack cheese, and I am excited for that! If anyone has some other yummy recipes for Breakfast, Lunch, or Dinner let me know!!!

The Work-out 

I went to the gym about an hour after consuming breakfast. Today I did cardio and legs. (My legs feel like jelly FYI.)

I started with a 20 minute run on the treadmill. I had planned to go longer, but after doing research I found that you will see results faster if you do less cardio and more strength training. Weight lifting is key! No, it will not make you super muscular (unless you want that) but it will definitely define and tone your body.

After the treadmill, I did:

Kickbacks (With 5 pound weight) – 3 sets of 15 on each leg

Squats (With 10 lbs dumbell) – 3 sets of 10 

Lunges – 3 sets of 10 

Then, stretches. This was a great start for myself. I know people that can manage way more than that, but this is only the START for me. Once I came home I began to prepare my post-workout meal which was a fish salad with tomatoes and sweet balsamic vinaigrette. 



This was refreshing and very tasty. Here is a photo of me now after the workout. I had a problem uploading other angles.


Post-work out here people! I cannot wait to see the progress I make. I still have loose skin from my pregnancy but I am hoping I can find a way to tighten it up. Until then I will continue to do my research and share with you all as I go along. My next photo update will be a week from now. Fingers crossed for some progress.

Thank you for reading!!

P.S. Dinner post will be up later in the evening and more before shots. Also, I plan on making a YouTube channel so you guys can physically see the workouts.

The Challenge

The Challenge

After having my second child, I had become very self-conscious about my body. After many failed attempts of trying to use someone else’s regimen, I learned that I needed to find my own path. I have decided to share my journey and hopefully inspire (not just moms) but anyone struggling with their weight. I have no magic cure to weight loss. I know it will take time and effort and I am prepared to do this! Within a 30 day time frame I will:

Change my eating habits. 

 exercise on a daily basis for at least an hour. (I can do this thanks to the gym that I have in the apartment complex) and,

Drink tons of water!!! (This is very difficult for me)

These may seem like very simple steps, but recently it has been difficult to execute due to my lack of self-motivation. I am confident this can and will be done! Don’t try, DO! That is my motto.

I have come up with a simple meal plan that will mostly include fruits, vegetables, meats (chicken breast), and fish. I will have various snacks available such as nuts and yogurt. It will be strict but completely doable and I am up for it! In the long run, I plan for this to become a personal lifestyle. I will be providing photo updates and recording my progress! Thank you too all that follow. 

FYI: I am not a professional at this by any means. Thank you again for reading!